Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Homeschooling hours

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Slow Baby.
How much, how often and when? Here are some frequently repeated questions when it comes to homeschooling hours. Flexibility is Of course one of the main underlying principles of homeschooling.
This flexibility applies not only to the curriculum, but also the number of hours. It is logical that parents, especially if they just started on homeschooling should feel that their children have on their books all the time as regular students at school. This is not only misleading, but also harmful and counterproductive.

One of the most ignored but glaring drawbacks of the public education system is the enormous waste of time and energy it causes. Many periods are simply wasted away and the child actually derives only 1-3 hours of study everyday. Then there days when the studies are intensive and other days when it's only games and no work. Much invisible waste , here goes.

Early in your homeschooling practice, work on a schedule. The it is advisable to stick to the same hours every day. A routine makes it easier to learn and gives structure to the learning experience.
It also tells the students that parents are strict about their learning. A routine also allows your child to free his mind other activities and concentrate on studies. He knows that a certain period is strictly reserved for learning.

The actual number of hours you need depends on the curriculum you have chosen and the learning style that suits your child. If you are dealing with a topic that seems more complex, you You may need to sit with the child for a longer period. Using various techniques may need to show what you're trying to teach. For example, a lesson in algebra more time than a lesson in English.

noreply@blogger.com (daenkblog) 23 Mar, 2011

Source: http://articlesunique.blogspot.com/2011/03/homeschooling-hours.html
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